Dogs can't easily express themselves to humans, and many hide their discomfort. These seemingly innocent actions may actually ...
These underlying reasons for dog attacks may be difficult at times to comprehend by those not familiar with the way dogs behave and communicate with humans and other dogs. While the causes of why dogs ...
There are many reasons why dogs bark ... Is it that your dog knows a walk is coming when you pick up the car keys? Does he associate barking with a whole new set of interesting views, because ...
Dogs lick people for many reasons ... You can also train them to do tricks like “rollover” or “sit pretty.” Training distractions will take their mind off why they want to lick.
Yelling at your dog in hopes of stopping him from misbehaving can be compared to putting out a fire with gasoline—you’ll just be adding fuel to the fire rather than extinguishing it. Picture this: You ...
A-list dog trainer Ben Randall tells the tale of tackling a tricky issue with a dog getting aggressive while out on its daily ...
What's the number one mistake dog parents make when disciplining their dogs? Misinterpreting or ignoring the why behind their ...
When it comes to adding a puppy to your family, there’s one thing every dog trainer and every veterinary behaviorist wishes ...