The cast of the Lord of the Rings trilogy reunited at the premiere of The War of the Rohirrim, a new animated movie set in the same canon as the trilogy of films.
Undaunted was formed in 2011 with the express purpose of helping people who want to get into World of Warcraft, but have different physical needs. Over the years, several accessibility features ...
Why not show health and damage attributes in the original Warcraft? Why not redo the original cutscenes completely instead of up-rezzing them? Why keep the need to connect buildings with roads in ...
Twenty years ago, Blizzard Entertainment launched World of Warcraft, a massive multiplayer online role-playing game that brought together millions of users from all corners of earth to the ...
WoW is 20 years old. There is no other game that I have spent anywhere near as much time with. Well over 10,000 hours. And I wasn't even a pioneer when I started in 2007. Until then, I didn't even ...
And per both Booty and Longdale, the idea of attempting another “Warcraft” movie after the disaster that was the 2016 film is not out the realm of possibility. “I would say nothing is off ...