NEW STONE AGE GIRL:That’s our dinner. NEW STONE AGE BOY:An eagle. NEW STONE AGE BOY:Dad, dad you’ll never guess what we just saw! An eagle took the baby boar that we were hunting for dinner.# ...
This means the archaeological record of human tool use is deeply skewed towards the much hardier stone. All this suggests that the origins of human technology could have been profoundly misunderstood.
2024-10-03 I4VGen: Image as Free Stepping Stone for Text-to-Video Generation Xiefan Guo 2406.02230 null 2024-05-30 DITTO-2: Distilled Diffusion Inference-Time T-Optimization for Music ...
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We study liquid plugs in the pulmonary airways based on the two-phase axisymmetric weighted residual integral boundary-layer model of Dietze et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 894, 2020, A17), which was ...