Brain-wide association studies, which use magnetic resonance imaging to identify relationships between brain structure or ...
These active creatures have impressive brains, capable of coordinating complex bodily functions, processing fine-tuned sensory information ... Some birds exhibit regular seasonal changes in brain ...
In 1992, Judith Frydman, PhD, discovered a molecular complex with an essential purpose in all of our cells: folding proteins ...
Your brain works hard every day, and the food you eat can have a big impact on how well it performs. Research shows that ...
Brain neuroplasticity—the remarkable ability of the brain to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections—has ...
A new study published in Nature demonstrates that careful attention to study design can substantially improve the reliability of this type of research. For the study, Kaidi Kang, a biostatistics PhD ...
Researchers at Rutgers have made significant strides in understanding the cellular foundations of brain networks, identifying ...
Researchers at the University of Lausanne have discovered a new function of the brain's "locus coeruleus" in regulating sleep ...
This brain region facilitates the transition between NREM and REM sleep states while maintaining an unconscious vigilance toward the external world. Stress disrupts its functions and negatively ...
The "brain fog" of long COVID might be due to impaired lung function following a person's infection, a new study says.
Two new high-profile studies add to the increasingly worrisome picture of how even mild cases of COVID-19 can have ...