The show told the story of the Clampett family, led by patriarch Jed (Buddy Ebsen), a poor mountaineer who barely kept his family fed, as recounted in the theme song “The Ballad of Jed Clampett,” ...
The show told the story of the Clampett family, led by patriarch Jed (Buddy Ebsen), a poor mountaineer who barely kept his family fed, as recounted in the theme song “The Ballad of Jed Clampett,” ...
After his disappearance, Glomgold resurfaces as anything but his ever-scheming self. As Webby and Louie try to uncover the truth behind who is Duke Baloney, an unlikely origin story unfolds. At the ...
In the first episode Jed Clampett strikes oil, sells his land and moves to a 35 room mansion in Beverly Hills.
Israel says it is striking Syrian military sites to keep them out of “the hands of extremists.” The rebels who toppled the Assad government began laying out their plans while rival groups ...
There’s a name for that feeling you get after spending too long scrolling aimlessly, and Oxford University Press (OUP) has chosen it as its word for the year for 2024. “Brain rot” took the ...