Created by French maestro, Executive Chef Olivier Pistre, the Festive Dinner Experience is a veritable feast of culinary ...
Under the management of Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO), the Macao Grand Prix Museum (the 'Museum') unveils a series ...
Please explain this sentence, with “bend your ear” in particular: He’ll bend your ear talking about politics, I warn you. If ...
Building on the momentum of its facilitation of the reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, China "has promoted de-escalation efforts and long-term peace" in the Middle East, according to an ...
“担担面”本名丹尼尔·帕斯科,是新⻄兰中国友好协会奥克兰分会理事。他曾在贵州生活了5年,会说一口流利的贵阳话,并将贵州视为自己的第二故乡。  Daniel Pascoe, known as "Dan Dan Noodles," is a Member ...
,每天5分钟,突破英语听力障碍! For about ten minutes everything was quiet,but suddenly I heard a noise on my side of the moat.A dark shape ...
苏州是运河沿线唯一以古城概念申遗的城市。姑苏繁华,千年滋养,城因河而兴,人依河而居,麦子发现这样的联系今天仍在延续。在古纤道,麦子看见装载货物的船只往来穿梭,直观感受这条“黄金水道”当下仍在发挥重要运输作用。在宝带桥,茅澄怡向麦子讲述中秋佳节“宝带串月”奇观,那是属于运河边长大的苏州人的温暖记忆。品尝苏式面条,体验桃花坞木版年画,山塘河坐船游览,古城探寻遗迹……此刻,一幅现代版的《姑苏繁华图》在麦 ...
过去一周,台湾发生了三件重要的政治事件。 赖清德总统于520就职后首次出访。可以理解的是,赖和他的团队会希望他的访问顺利,而且台湾媒体和大眾的注意力能够每天聚焦在他访问夏威夷、马绍尔群岛、吐瓦鲁、关岛和帛琉的相关报导。
An orphan boy, Esteban, embarks on a journey with his friends, Zia and Tao, that will take him from Spain to the New World.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) — Over the past year, about 14,000 American youths have visited China for exchange and study since the announcement of China's pledge to invite 50,000 young Americans to ...