Friends Too Homemakers met Nov. 20 at Mathews Shelter in Laughlin Park in Rushville. Susie Case presented a delightful tea lesson. She had the table decorated with tea cups and plates for all to enjoy ...
Don’t let brown tannin stains ruin a perfectly good cup of tea. Here’s how to remove tea and coffee stains from cups and mugs naturally. Tea and coffee stains in cups can be stubborn, but soda ...
The correct water temperature, tea quantity and steep time to make the perfect cup You can save this article by registering for free here. Or sign-in if you have an account. Reviews and ...
After following participants for over 11 years, the study found that those who drank at least two cups of tea had a slightly lower risk of ischemic stroke compared with those who did not drink tea.
UKTIA say around 100 million cups of tea are consumed daily, and roughly 98% of those brews are served with milk. We are the third-largest tea drinking nation (per capita) behind Turkey and the ...