SD Gundam Musha Banchō Fūunroku (SDガンダム武者番長風雲録) is a short-lived SD Gundam manga series, a spin-off from the popular Gundam anime. It is authored by Masato Ichishiki and ran in Comic Bom Bom. The ...
Please verify your email address. Gundam is a popular mecha anime that has an overwhelming number of series, but thankfully this is the best list to begin your Gundam journey. Reiji debuted in the ...
A list of manga published by Kodansha (and their subsidiaries Kobunsha and Scola), listed by release date.
Shin Chan: Shiro And The Coal Town has you as Shin Chan visiting his grandparents in Akita on a business trip with his father. Eventually, as the town opens up more for Shin Chan, you will get access ...
Added Aug 05, 2011 at 09:30AM EDT by Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka. The photo of the Cardboard Box Gundam was taken at Anime Central (ACEN) convention held in Rosemont, Illinois in May 2003. The homemade ...
Shin Hae Sun has once again proven herself to be one of the most skilled actors in the industry with her remarkable performance in “Dear Hyeri,” where she plays two characters, Eun Ho and Hye ...
Kevin Shin was ahead of Tyler Collins in the early results for the District 2 council seat held by Councilmember Carolyn Luna. Luna is a former planning commissioner appointed to fill a vacancy ...
Shin chan is a well-known name in India that is familiar to almost everyone. Visiting your hometown and spending time with grandparents during summer vacations is also a common tradition across ...
Anime with which this company was involved: ...