Lurking in the shadows, Hollywood superstar Shia Labeouf. Living in the woods, (Shia Labeouf.) Killing for sport, (Shia Labeouf.) Eating all the bodies, actual, cannibal Shia Labeouf. You're walking ...
The latest violence comes as a retaliatory offensive by Shia militia groups after Thursday's massacre of 47 Shia Muslims when unidentified gunmen attacked a convoy of passenger vans from Parachinar.
The latest violence comes as a retaliatory offensive by Shia militia groups after Thursday's massacre of 47 Shia Muslims when unidentified gunmen attacked a convoy of passenger vans from Parachinar.
The latest violence comes as a retaliatory offensive by Shia militia groups after Thursday’s massacre of 47 Shia Muslims when unidentified gunmen attacked a convoy of passenger vans from Parachinar.