Excessive use of reliever inhalers for asthma is linked to a significantly increased risk of dying from the disease, a new study revealed today. Researchers found that over-use of short acting ...
If you are not familiar with the concept of a rescue and controller inhaler in an asthma action plan, make sure you get this on your asthma to-do list. Your goal should be not to need your rescue ...
Systemic corticosteroids (CS) should be considered as first-line treatment for acute asthma exacerbations ... a proposal for the use of inhaled CS as a rescue medication in the emergency ...
These vascular effects of inhaled CS on the airways could be expected to have therapeutic implications for the management of acute asthma and its characteristics are fundamental to establish the ...
“Most people with asthma have one or more preventer inhalers (which control your asthma) and a reliever or rescue inhaler (usually blue), which relieves symptoms,” the patient advice brochure ...