The reading crisis
I have three kids in different grades (elementary, middle and high school), and I'm worried about something: none of them ...
Researchers at IIT-Bombay developed a mobile app, TARA, to assess students' reading fluency using speech processing and ...
Numerous reports show that the reading and literacy skills of a majority of school students in the country are not commensurate with the level of education Mumbai ... The app records students reading ...
Bombay has developed a mobile app that can measure oral reading fluency automatically using speech processing and machine ...
Off the coattails of the pandemic, a majority of colleges and universities are still offering a test-optional (SAT/ACT) ...
The findings are not encouraging. Since 2017, the number of American participants performing at the lowest level in literacy increased from 19 to 28 percent.
The project which received funding from Tata Centre of Technology & Design and Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation Fellowship ...
Charming settings, finger sandwiches, cakes, and scones – we’ve rounded up three special afternoon teas in Budapest.
IIT Bombay has developed an innovative mobile TARA app designed to assess and improve oral reading fluency in students ...
“The passage of Bluebonnet Learning is a critical step forward to ... we will ensure young Texans have access to high-quality, grade-level appropriate curricula that will provide the necessary ...