The Summer Hikaru Died” is a hit horror manga series about an ordinary high school boy, YOSHIKI, who experiences various mysterious incidents in his life with Hikaru, a mysterious being who imitates ...
Twenty years ago, Pixar perfected superhero adventure with The Incredibles, a movie built on the family dynamics that would ...
Arcane is based on the popular online game League of Legends, which was released by Riot Games in 2009. The Emmy ...
Amy Smeed achieved a first for women at Disney when she became a head animator for 2016's "Moana." She returned to the job ...
In addition to the new teaser visual and trailer featuring the first footage of the anime, we will also reveal cast comments ...
Shucked is a laugh-out-loud, toe-tapping triumph that plants itself firmly in your heart. This wildly original musical weaves ...
YAIBA: Samurai Legend remake will premiere in April 2025, exciting fans of the manga and anime. The remake will feature new ...
IndieWire traveled to Aardman in Bristol, England, and learned about Norbot, the return of Feathers, the most eye-catching ...
Dialogue-free animation like Robot Dreams, Flow, ME, and more are bringing the artform back to its visual-focused roots.
I want to sit in the fear that they’re lost. Let me be in that place of suspense so the triumph of their survival is more emotional and visceral.’” Shawn Levy said that it “really opened ...
And the recent re-election in the United States of Donald Trump, known for his scepticism towards climate change, is, I imagine, adding another layer of uncertainty to all of the negotiations.
Fans may want to brace themselves for the ending of the show, which is coming very soon, with co-creators Christian Linke and Alex Yee warning that we're in for a "gut-punch" finale. Link told ...