At the beginning of Dragon Ball Super, Gohan appeared to have embraced a completely different role from his former self, now a student with a passion for studying ants. Dragon Bal ...
Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo all achieve powerful new forms through unique means. Some transformations, like Super Saiyan Rage, throw power ... of the most bizarre power-up sequences in the entire ...
A possible Gohan Black Beast transformation has the potential to even surpass Goku Black's power, redefining Dragon Ball's ...
only for his special power-up to be something Goku and Vegeta gained ages ago, would go against that tradition, meaning it's ...
It’s time for Dragon Ball Super to give Gohan a much-needed new power-up – and soon. As stated above: much of Dragon Ball Z’s main intrigue was in telling the story of Gohan’s transition ...
It’s yet to be revealed what the extent of Gohan’s power within ... where it all stacks up. How are you feeling about Goku and Vegeta’s reaction to Gohan’s Beast Mode?