Fallout: London is a total conversion mod based on Bethesda’s popular Fallout 4 (2015) for PC. While the team behind the mod hasn’t mentioned whether potential VR support is in the works, an intrepid ...
在动力方面,新车将搭载2.5L发动机与电动机组成的插电式混合动力系统,动力电池容量提升到了16kWh,纯电续航里程为71km。在参数上,发动机最大功率为140kW,最大扭矩为240N·m。前电机最大功率为134kW,最大扭矩为270N·m;后电机最大 ...
北京时间12月12日凌晨4点,欧冠第6轮迎来一场焦点对决,尤文图斯坐镇主场迎战曼城。瓜迪奥拉执教的曼城,在最近9场比赛仅仅收获1场胜利,当属欧洲五大联赛豪门中表现最差的球队。而状态更好的尤文图斯主场出战,并在几大超优数据的加持下,本场比赛有望捍卫主场 ...
Path of Exile 2 has entered Early Access on Steam, and the first major update addresses complaints about teleportation and rare drops.
Reviving one discontinued feature from Borderlands past games could be advantageous for Borderlands 4, as well as the ...
Now, however, Doom is running on something even more out there. “E coli” reveals Doom creator John Romero with a grin, “Doom now runs on e coli bacteria….” ID software’s seminal shooter has now become ...
Fortnite update 33.10 has a December 10 release date on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC, Android and Nintendo Switch. The update will be accompanied by a period of server downtime, which ...