By voting, you are making your voice heard and it gives you a chance to get on your soap box and vote for what you stand. You ...
With the rapid growth of sensor networks, innovative technologies can be created to forecast emergency situations like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, heart attacks, and buried pipeline failures ...
Dongjing Zhang Berglund poses with her son Gordon, 7, in front of her piece “People Studies,” 2023, Fountain Pen, Fude nib 55 degrees inked with Platinum Carbon Black, during the Dallas Asian ...
记者11月21日从中国煤炭科工集团(以下简称中国煤科)获悉,该集团所属煤炭科学技术研究院有限公司(以下简称煤科院)聚萘二甲酸二甲酯(PEN)单体年百吨级中试项目,日前正式步入落地实施阶段。这是国内首个煤基PEN材料单体百吨级中试装置。该中试实验 ...