Orangutan Island is an American documentary television series, in the style of the successful series Meerkat Manor, that blends more traditional documentary filming with dramatic narration.
Vivy, a critically endangered Bornean orangutan, has returned to the rainforest with help from The Orangutan Project and the Bornean Orangutan Rescue Alliance Kelli Bender is the Pets Editor at ...
In some areas they are even hunted for food. The Sumatran orangutan used to live across the whole island of Sumatra. Now it is just in the island’s north, with most of them in the provinces of ...
But one day in 2014, Panut Hadisiswoyo caught sight of an orangutan riding around the streets of Medan, the island’s largest city, in a rickshaw. Hadisiswoyo runs the Orangutan Information ...
But it's not good news in all parts of the island. "While the orangutan population has stabilised in large forest areas, their numbers declined in forest patches within oil palm landscapes," WWF said.
Bornean orangutan Kiwi, who is nearly one year old, was rejected by her mother shortly after she was born at Rio Safari Elche in Alicante. This, and failed attempts for another female orangutan to ...
Bornean orangutan Martha was an orphan and had lived ... Chester Zoo in 1966 It said the loss of rainforest habitat on the island of Borneo, to make way for agriculture, logging and unsustainable ...