Bad River,” a documentary directed by Mary Mazzio, screened at the wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ - Intellectual House on Nov. 23. The film ...
A University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee professor says she will keep her “personal beliefs” about her Native American ancestry ...
For far too long, the Kinnickinnic River has been Milwaukee’s forgotten waterway. Today it’s on its way from an eyesore to a ...
For almost ten years, the MOMS program in Minnesota has helped dozens of women and their partners to rebuild their lives, ...
For almost ten years, the MOMS program in Minnesota has helped dozens of women and their partners to rebuild their lives, ...
In its second year, the Cherokee language program is seeking to expand its course offerings. Meanwhile, a funding gap has put ...
The Victory Theatre Center will present the world premiere of Four Women in Red, a provocative new play, written by Laura ...