据《华尔街日报》报道,创始人基金的普通合伙人特雷·斯蒂芬斯(Trae Stephens)正被纳入考虑范畴,有望出任美国国防部副部长。据报道,Thiel Capital的前幕僚长、创始人基金支持的Scale ...
钛媒体App 12月6日消息,埃隆.马斯克的脑机接口公司Neuralink因违反当地动物福利规定而被美国联邦监管机构指控。美国食品药品监督管理局 ...
FDA inspectors identified the issues at Neuralink's animal testing facilities in California in June 2023, several weeks after the agency had given the company the green light for a small study of its ...
中新网12月12日电 据美国有线电视新闻网 (CNN)报道,当地时间10日,彭博社称,美国企业家马斯克的净资产已达到4000亿美元,他成为有史以来首位突破这一大关的人。
北京脑科学与类脑研究所仪器仪表中心主任张垒表示,脑机接口下一步的发展方向之一是提高不同被试之间的迁移能力或者称为普适能力。因为每个人的脑电波和思维习惯都不完全一样,即便植入电极后仍需要“个人化定制”通过反复调试和有意识训练,以尽量提高大脑意图识别的准 ...
最近的催化剂是SpaceX的内部股票出售交易。据多家美媒报道,SpaceX 及其投资者已达成购买至多 12.5 亿美元内部股份的协议,每股185美元的价格使SpaceX 估值跃升至 3500亿美元,成为全球最有价值的私人初创公司。
Nadia Calviño, President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), has been named one of Europe’s top “doers” in POLITICO’s ...
Elon Musk's Neuralink has been awarded breakthrough status from the FDA for an implantable chip – dubbed Blindsight – that promises to restore the sight of people with vision impairment.
And what do most people these days carry around with them pretty much at all times? That’s right, smartphones. Apps are therefore valuable mediums, making app development software crucial tools to ...
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has provided an €80 million loan to the Port Authority of Bilbao to support the port's ...
Silicon Valley millionaires might enjoy immense federal authority as the Donald Trump administration is all set to bring in ...