Telegram is pushing a new 2.0 update for its in-app “mini-apps” that allows them to run full screen, enables developers to add subscription plans, allows gift sending from mini-apps ...
What's all that content good for if you can't enjoy it? It's disappointing when music or a video stops when you lock your phone screen to put it in your pocket. Premium users don't have such an ...
The platform’s interface and controls are easy to use and full of album ... Like most music streaming apps, the playback bar is minimized along the bottom of the screen, and when expanded ...
Technology now lets researchers track screen use accurately, but simply counting hours doesn’t give us the full picture. Even when we measure specific activities, like social media or gaming, ...
But the rest of the music industry moves, too, and this year has also yielded exciting new indie, the explosion of a hip hop feud and a rocky pushback against the electronic-dominated mainstream by ...