Only 15% of the lakebed has been documented to modern standards, making it difficult to predict how floods, storms and ...
There's definitely a realignment going on in American politics,” said Dan Conston, the president of the Congressional ...
Officials in upstate New York counties have declared a state of emergency as they prepare for a major snowstorm that has ...
On Oct. 16, around 10 p.m., National Library of the Philippines (NLP) Director Cesar Gilbert Adriano received a text message ...
Sure, both sides do it — but Republicans have ruthlessly redrawn the maps to bake in a nearly unbeatable advantage ...
The author's New York Times bestseller explores the culture of silence that enveloped the Mississippi Delta over the 1955 ...
The exterior of the SR-71 reached temperatures that would well overcook a pizza in milliseconds. This heat could cause ...
The CIRES-led study used ground-penetrating radar to estimate the amount of waste under the ice. The team found that the ...
The GOP Barely Won the House
Factionalism in 2025 would waste a majority that could be fleeting.
In 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Alabama’s congressional maps as they were ruled not compliant with the Voting ...
The state’s political leaders have already taken some lessons from preliminary election results as the Illinois State Board ...