The animated film Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the only movie where Batman and the Joker are voiced by the same ...
The fusion of movies and gaming has long been a winning combination, save some rather memorable mishaps. Atari's E.T. vi ...
Batman: The Arkham Saga Omnibus released in September for $150, but you can get this massive hardcover collection for only $82 at Amazon right now.
Humble Bundle has brought back one of its best video game bundle deals of 2024, but it's only available this weekend.
The decision to shrink Nintendo's life sim down to Lego size has to be one of the best brand pairings the toy company's ever ...
Having made Lego games for seven years, in 2012, Travellers Tales tried a few things to shake up the formula with Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes (aka one of the best Batman games ever made). The ...
Marvel Lego sets, scenes from Harry Potter, Lego flowers, and more popular builds are on sale, with prices starting at just ...
As part of a limited time Black Friday deal, Amazon is offering the LEGO DC Batman Tumbler 76240 for ... Tumbler design from the Dark Knight movie trilogy. Features include an opening roof which ...
Christmas is close and if you’re still having issues finding the perfect Batman gift, then check out our list to see our top ...
Not only was it a major box-office success, but it also generated a loyal fan base still eagerly anticipating a follow-up. Many fans of superhero movies consider 2008's The Dark Knight the pinnacle of ...