And what better time to try something new with your look than the start of a new year? In 2025, there’ll be a veritable ...
We’ll be the ones to say it: 90s makeup was peak makeup. It was warm, it was chic, and everyone tried to recreate it today.
Posing alongside Cara Delevingne, Elle Fanning and Kerry Washington at the 19th annual L’Oréal Paris Women of Worth ...
测试又发现,逾九成样本含有香料致敏物,当中有2款更检出欧盟禁用香料铃兰醛,该香料亦具生殖毒性。此外,25款样本中有3款没有检出是次测试的去屑活性成分,包括「KLORANE」(#1)、 「MARO」(#11)和「桂圆美」(#15)。
消委会洗头水|不少人会使用去屑洗头水(即去头皮洗头水),希望能减轻症状。消委会测试市面上25款去头皮洗头水,发现当中4款含欧盟《化妆品条例》禁用的成分吡硫鎓锌,含量介乎0.19%至 0.95%,分别为「HAIR CORNER」、「Petal ...
Bethenny Frankel knows the beauty of a great gift. While she’s put plenty of makeup to the test on social media, only select ...