How many trains are there from Moula Ali to Kottayam? There are 3 direct Mail Express trains that run between Moula Ali and Kottayam. The train schedules consist of 3 weekly trains. What is the ...
In response to the high passenger numbers during the Sabarimala pilgrimage season, the South Central Railway has announced addition of two special trains to Kerala. These trains will operate between ...
The duration of Moula Ali to Podanur train journey is 23 hours 34 minutes. The Moula Ali Kollam Sabarimala Special departs Moula Ali on Saturday at 14:45 and arrives at Podanur at 14:19 Sunday.
Under the railway stations redevelopment scheme through the Amrit Bharat Station Scheme (ABSS) project, the Southern Railway is involved in modernising the passenger amenities in several railway ...