An American giant monster film series remake based on the 1933 film of the same name, about a giant ape that is captured and imported to New York City for exhibition.
An American giant monster film series remake based on the 1933 film of the same name, about a giant ape that is captured and imported to New York City for exhibition.
35 Years Ago: Why 'King Kong Lives' Died a Quick Box Office Death The followup to 1976's 'King Kong' was an epic, if lovable, failure. 45 Years Ago: 'Queen Kong' Gets Caged in Lawsuits 45 Years ...
King Kong has been reigning over the world of movie ... When the robot fails, the doctor turns to the real Kong, who now lives on Mondo Island. The real Kong ends up fighting robot Kong on the ...
King Kong lives! But only just. This is an uneven adventure that’s saved by the spectacle of its towering title character and the various beasts with whom he shares his island home.