It was simple but very effective storytelling as O’Callaghan went beat by beat through his life and its twists and turns, and how he came to be involved with Brian ‘The Milkman’ Kenny.
KENNEDY: I always read a lot, mostly fiction, especially short stories. Irish people don’t have the bias in favor of novels that other people have. The Irish writer Frank O’Connor coined a ...
From Irish words for love and Irish words for drunk to just general Irish phrases, learn this Irish slang and you can't go wrong! Before you come to Ireland, you're going to need to get yourself ...
Considering that heritage, we asked a small group of writers and editors to choose the best Irish novels of the past 15 years .Why 15? It seemed enough time to encompass Colm Ti ...
The Irish-related words I remember best from my ... It didn’t surprise me that our unrelated milkman came from our village. Our next-door neighbours were from Pakistan. As was our experience ...
This could not be easier. Begin by placing the dry ingredients in a large roomy bowl, mix to combine, then add the buttermilk followed by the water. Start mixing; first with a spatula then finish off ...