What's a CPU made of? What's the difference between a CPU and a GPU? Read our layman's overview of the central processing ...
Intel launch their new range of processors today - Leo is on hand to check out the intel i7 8700k and i5 8400 and finds that ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@小机零于12月14日发布,未经许可不得转载!】 1 .首先要知道组装一台电脑, 以下八大硬件缺一不可: 2. 认识【CPu】: CPU品牌: 目前市场主流消费级CPU只有英特尔与AMD。 英特尔CPU: intel的CPU分为i3 ...
Publisher GRYPHLINE and developer Mountain Contour will host a beta test for Arknights: Endfield for PC in mid-January 2025, ...
是吧,是吧!Intel 14代酷睿已经白菜价了!!!现在英特尔酷睿I5-14600KF已经只卖1000出头就能到手!I7-1400KF也就2500!
AMD计划在CES2025上推出两款新APU:KrackanPoint与StrixHalo。这两款产品分别定位主流平台与高端工作站市场,以满足不同用户的需求。近期,一款疑似为KrackanPoint的APU已在Geekbench上曝光,其规格与锐龙A ...
据相关报道,谷歌近期宣布将推出AndroidXR操作系统,紧接着,三星透露其与谷歌、高通一直保持紧密合作关系,共同研发这一新型平台,显示出科技巨头对AR/VR领域的深远规划。三星紧随其后,预告了即将发布的AndroidXR系 ...