If that's the case, it might be time to call in the professionals. For lack of a better word, self-sharpening your axe or hatchet is a hassle, from the list of materials to the time it takes to ...
She showed us how to properly sharpen knives, which can help with your meal preparation and extend the life of the knives. Seder said she prefers to use a wet stone. Wet stones have two sides ...
Hewing hatchets are popular with woodworkers who prefer a more traditional or rustic approach, using hand tools alone. That said, a similar sharpening technique will put a razor-edge finish on any axe ...
It’s that time of year again—winter is on its way, which means it’s time to prepare your car for the challenging weather conditions ahead. If you live in an area that experiences heavy snow, you’ll ...
“He’s trained… NHL equipment managers, and so I invested into him and his business and then learned how to sharpen skates,” Mealing said. “It really affects the game,” he said, noting that every ...