Please verify your email address. Gundam is a popular mecha anime that has an overwhelming number of series, but thankfully this is the best list to begin your Gundam journey. Reiji debuted in the ...
Created by Yoshiyuki Tomino, Gundam is an internationally renowned franchise spanning 83 animated series and movies. Its toy and retail business are huge, with the Gundam franchise generating over ...
And the yellow flags of Hezbollah still fly. The neighbourhood was a ghost town during the last two months of heavy bombardment. The destruction is everywhere but people have returned and are ...
91.1 x 233 cm. (35.9 x 91.7 in.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
Added Aug 05, 2011 at 09:30AM EDT by Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka. The photo of the Cardboard Box Gundam was taken at Anime Central (ACEN) convention held in Rosemont, Illinois in May 2003. The homemade ...