smartphone and Bluetooth. The new BTR13 comes from FiiO, an audio brand that makes DACs, headphones and earbuds for music lovers who want to upgrade their sound quality on the move. The BTR 13 is ...
(Picture: Getty Images) Imagine the panic of realising you’ve come on your period at 30,000ft, with no tampons or pads in your hand ... even items like headphones and blankets – yet menstrual ...
The Austrian Audio Hi-X20 are more of the same from a company with an extraordinarily impressive strike-rate where affordable over-ear headphones ... makes up the ear pads and sits across the ...
凤凰网科技讯 11月4日,联想首款AI平板——联想YOGA Pad Pro AI元启版亮相,支持“一圈OK”功能,一圈内容即可实现快速解释、快速翻译、快速总结 ...
作为联想布局AI终端设备的关键产品,联想YOGA Pad Pro AI元启版在交互创新、专业体验和性能表现等方面都实现了全方位突破。 上周五晚,联想品牌 ...
Months after a debut on the iPad Pro, Apple has finally moved the M4 to the MacBook Pro. Here's what's different in the base 14-inch MacBook Pro between the M3 and M4 versions. With this being one ...
IT之家11 月 3 日消息,联想 YOGA 今日官方公布一则视频,联想首款 AI 平板 YOGA Pad Pro AI 元启版对外亮相,搭配手写笔,支持一圈解释、一圈翻译、一圈总结等功能。 例如,在阅读外文文献时,圈选任意段落即可完成实时翻译,支持多种语言互译;处理长篇报告时 ...
今年,OPPO将更强的第三代骁龙 8 领先版处理器装进OPPO Pad 3 Pro之中,助它登上性能王者的宝座。 为全面释放第三代骁龙 8 领先版处理器的强劲性能 ...
近日,联想正式发布了其首款AI平板——联想YOGA Pad Pro AI元启版,这款平板的亮相不仅标志着联想在AI技术领域的又一重大突破,也预示着智能办公新 ...
作为新一代智能办公的先行者,联想YOGA Pad Pro AI元启版将为内容创作者和移动办公人群带来前所未有的智能体验。通过革命性的AI交互技术、专业级 ...