Ganesh Jayanti, also known as Maghi Ganeshotsav, is an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Ganesha in Magh month (January – February). Ganesh Jayanti 2025 date is February 1. The day is believed to be ...
One of the greatest exponents of the Bhakti cult in Marathi culture, Sant Tukaram is worshipped by millions of people around the world and people take inspiration from his poems and teachings.
The first view of Shiva at the Neelkanth Temple in Rishikesh transports PRITI AGRAWAL to a world of Nothingness and Wholeness in One Shiva is worshiped as Devon ke Dev Mahadev the Lord of lords ...
Everybody remembers Rudyard Kipling not as a superpatriotic Tory but as creator of the loveable Jungle Book writes RUSKIN BOND in an introductionRudyard Kipling made his name with his barrack room ver ...