Scientists hope to use a gamma ray telescope to observe a future supernova to help prove the existence of dark matter.
If astronomers could catch bursts of gamma rays from supernova explosions that create neutron stars near the Milky Way, the ...
A team of scientists is using this scenario to argue for launching more gamma-ray satellites, so we can have the sky covered ...
Gamma rays emerging from neutron stars ... fills our lives is made up of everyday matter. Dark matter is also tricky because it doesn't interact with light — or, if it does, this interaction ...
High-energy particles, known as cosmic rays, provide a window into some of the most extreme environments in the universe.
A team of researchers has successfully demonstrated nonlinear Compton scattering (NCS) between an ultra-relativistic electron beam and an ultrahigh intensity laser pulse using the 4-Petawatt laser.
Walls also absorb ultraviolet rays, which is why people don't get sunburnt indoors. The atmosphere absorbs X-rays and gamma rays from space which can cause harm to the human body.