另外,按公众号最新推送机制,需将公众号设为“星标”才能收到推送,所以关注后点个星标,再次感谢大家! 查找在实际工作中是经常遇到的,那你会查找吗? 本期与大家分享6个查找公式。 一、查找的基础用法 1、根据内容查找相应的行数 ...
在职场工作中,经常需要一对多查找匹配,举个例子,左边是员工档案数据,一个部门有多个员工,现在需要根据部门,快速匹配所有的信息 1、传统方法 这就是一对多查询问题,通常我们使用VLOOKUP+COUNTIFS公式组合完成,首先我们在原数据中插入辅助列: ...
You can get a heap of apps, including Microsoft Office, PowerPoint and Excel at no cost, whether you're a student, teacher or just on a budget. Here's how to get Microsoft 365 for free. Managing ...
Pop superstar Taylor Swift gave her fans special instructions for Election Day. "So what is today? Tuesday. What is it everyone is supposed to do today? Oh yeah, gotta go vote today," Swift said ...