Waveshare has recently launched the Double Eye LCD module (also known as the 0.71inch DualEye LCD module), a high-tech ...
Waveshare has recently launched the DualEye LCD module, a high-tech alternative to googly eyes, with two 0.71-inch round IPS ...
I am using ESP32 Thing as Master and ADS1256 as slave on an SPI connection. ESP32 is capable of FreeRTOS. I know that ADS1256 has a DRDY pin that we could connect it to a hardware interrupt pin on ...
# ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-7 substitutions: name: "office-panel" friendly_name: "Office Panel" room: "Office" # Wifi Setup wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret ...
Library for TFT SPI LCD, ST7735 Driver, Raspberry Pi C++. This repository features a fun and engaging Tetris game built for the LilyGO T-Display S3, utilizing the ESP32-S3 microcontroller and the ...
I am using an ADS131A02 and an ESP32-PICO-KIT for my project. In this case, the ADS131A02 is in synchronous slave interface mode, as I will be using SCLK as iCLK. The problem is that I cannot get a ...
在这个项目中,我们使用的是Sandeep Mistry的LoRa库。 首先,包括所有必需的库。SPI.h用于ESP32和LoRa之间的SPI通信,LiquidCrystal_I2C.h用于ESP32和LCD I2C模块之间的I2C通信。Wire.h库允许I2C设备之间的通信。 之后,定义连接LoRa模块的引脚。 然后,定义按钮的引脚。 更改LoRa ...
[导读]你知道网络时钟的精度是0.02到0.10秒吗?在这个项目中,我们将制作一个基于ESP32的互联网时钟,用于在16x2 LCD显示器上显示互联网时间。在互联网上同步时间最常用和最流行的协议是NTP(网络时间协议)。参考时间取自连接的无线电时钟或原子钟。 你知道网络 ...
ESP32 is a tiny cheap 8$ module with a dual core 32-bit CPU and built in Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth with sufficient amount of 30 I/O pins for all basic electronics projects. All these features are ...
We explore this with an ESP32, keyboard, TFT display, and Google text-to-speech ... The 3.5-inch TFT touch display used has a parallel interface rather than the alternative SPI version. This ...
Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world ...
Nice work! We’ve seen a few logging projects on these fair pages, like this battery powered ESP32 logger device. If IoT logging is more your thing, here you go.