Discover how heart rate variability (HRV) from ECG offers a practical, sensitive alternative to EEG for fatigue detection in ...
It provides a uniform SDK to work with biosensors with a primary focus on neurointerfaces, all features available for free and distributed under MIT license. powerful API with many features to ...
Health and wellbeing research in human factors focuses on understanding and enhancing how people interact with their ...
This study aims to reduce the workload of the physicians. For this purpose, features were extracted from EEG, ECG, EOG and SPO2 signals. Then, they were classified with Support Vector Machines (SVM) ...
EEGs are a well-established, non-invasive method for recording the electrical activity of the brain, a crucial diagnostic ...
This repository is a set of tools that I use in my thesis, the main focus is processing EEG data, but some functions is expandable to other time series and signal processing fields.
Some warn that Mike Tyson is at a higher risk of injury - or worse - because his age has affected his ability to react ...
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a method for monitoring electrical activity in the brain. It uses electrodes placed on or below the scalp to record activity with coarse spatial but high temporal ...
The IOP Medical Physics Group meeting examined the impact of advanced imaging techniques and computational modelling on ...
The global sports industry is worth over USD 400 billion. Athletes and players who compete at a professional level often perform under conditions of stress, overexertion and overtraining. By Karl Blom ...