Dragon Ball Daima, the latest television anime series in the hit franchise, premiered in October. However, until November, the episodes were only available to watch with subtitles. Last, the first ...
The 2018 anime film Dragon Ball Super: Broly gets a Super Saiyan-sized wave of Funko Pops. The Dragon Ball Daima English Dub has a release date and a new trailer to boot.
Though nothing is stopping him from using these forms in Super, Goku is rarely seen using his golden-haired power-ups in the latest series. Base Vegeta makes his debut in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero ...
Classic heroes like Goku and Vegeta return ... already being known. The story of Dragon Ball Daima is set sometime after Majin Buu’s defeat during the Dragon Ball Z arc and close to Beerus, the God of ...
It has been quite the long wait for those who only watch the dubbed versions of Dragon Ball anime or films, with Daima premiering all the way back in October with no direct news on the English ...
and Caulifa and Kale from Dragon Ball Super are joining the already massive roster. These fighters can use the fusion dance to transform Trunks and Goten into Gotenks or the Potara Earrings to ...
On the lookout for the latest Dragon Ball Evolution codes for Roblox? We have the complete list of updated and working codes that players can use to claim free goodies in the game. Dragon Ball ...