The pair submitted applications for the voucher program for 50 kids, most of whom did not exist. They obtained more than $110K in taxpayer funding.
然而自从马中两国决定相互免签以来,马来西亚的犯罪率大幅飙升。根据马来西亚统计局(DOSM)的数据,2023年以来,马来西亚的网络犯罪案件飙升35.5%,总数高达34,532宗。其中,电子商务诈骗高居榜首,占所有案件的33.2%。其次是电信诈骗(30% ...
In a previous blog post we considered an unsuccessful application to strike out a claim for alleged breaches of the UK GDPR, on the grounds that ...
On November 15, the U.S. Department of the Treasury published final regulations to implement its long-awaited “Outbound Investment” Security ...