In the vast expanses of Antarctica, amidst towering icebergs and frigid waters, resides one of the most enigmatic creatures of the Southern Ocean: the crabeater seal (Lobodon carcinophaga). Despite ...
However, instead of continuously breaking the seals’ miniature iceberg, they propel water over the top, presumably catching the prey off-guard and, not so presumptuously, forcing them into open water.
This study reviews range state policy and management responses to expanding or abundant species of seals -- the Cape fur, northern fur, hooded, harp, ringed, grey, harbour and crabeater seals. This ...
It looks like you're using an old browser. To access all of the content on Yr, we recommend that you update your browser. It looks like JavaScript is disabled in your browser. To access all the ...
It’s a long way from exciting but it should prove cheap enough to compensate” It’s the SUV version of the Chinese carmaker’s most conventional car yet - the Seal - and the only non-EV it ...
Thomas Aquinas, one of the greatest Christian theologians. The skull of St. Thomas, which has been on tour in Europe for the past year for observances marking the jubilees of his canonization (700 ...
Seals strategically scoot around the seas on icebergs New study shows seal moms prefer slow and steady icebergs, while seals prefer faster ice in better foraging grounds later in the year Date ...
The skull theory is a fun gender prediction method, which some claim can determine if you're having a boy or girl from a 12-week ultrasound picture. "NHS scans are in place for medical purposes," says ...
Whether you want to build muscle, burn fat, or live longer, some of the simplest exercises are the best place to start, the retired Navy SEAL Jocko Willink says. Willink, a black belt in Brazilian ...
Archaeologists are scratching their heads over the bizarre and macabre discovery of Stone Age skulls in Italy, according to a study published last month in the European Journal of Archaeology.
"The only easy day was yesterday." The Navy SEALS mantra was in the forefront of my mind as the black van drove up in front of the hotel. It was 7:00 in the morning when we piled in and headed for ...