In a heartbreaking series of events, Kochi has witnessed two tragic workplace accidents resulting in fatalities. A truck driver, Aju Mohanan, died after a hydraulic jack failure at a crusher unit, ...
A 47-year-old worker, Pradeep, tragically died after becoming trapped in a concrete mixer while cleaning it in Kochi. Authorities investigate the grisly incident that highlights workplace safety ...
Concrete prices usually range between $120 and $150 per cubic yard depending on your distance from the supplier, the volume needed, and the type of concrete. Concrete costs fall between $120 and $150 ...
This season is a great time to buy some of those pricey kitchen appliances you’ve been eyeing, like air fryers, coffee machines, stand mixers, slow cookers, and lots more. But with thousands of ...
Your DJ setup could involve vinyl turntables and a mixer, CDJs, DJ software and a controller ... Previous iterations could be sluggish on older machines, so this is very welcome. AlphaTheta has also ...
It’s also easy to use, thanks to its intuitive tilt-head design (the bowl attaches to the machine’s body and its head hinges backward). And perhaps most importantly, this stand mixer truly ...
Intuitive Machines develops lunar vehicles and holds four NASA contracts for lunar exploration. The Nova-C lander completed its mission despite a rough landing, marking a U.S. moon landing after ...
It's luxurious and can be hard to find, which is why we enlisted two coffee experts to test the best home espresso machines. Don't let decoding the lingo or the daunting price tag deter you ...