A new approach to treat rosacea and other inflammatory skin conditions could be on the horizon, according to a University of ...
About half of people with "chronic spontaneous urticaria," or CSU, the most common type of chronic hives, experience what ...
Diagnosing CSU can be difficult for a few main reasons, including the following: CSU is often misdiagnosed because hives are ...
The first time I got a rash creeping across my back, I was swamped with work deadlines. Then, initially, I thought of it as ...
Ultimately, her research led to mast cell activation syndrome, or MCAS, a condition in which mast cells (a type of white ...
Repeat skin infections that may be caused by scratching Sometimes, hives can appear without a known trigger. If your child has them, they may also get another kind of swelling called angioedema.
Some home remedies to help reduce swelling in your feet include spot massage, dietary changes, and drinking more fluids. Depending on the cause, medical care may be important. Painless swelling of ...
Novartis' big-selling IgE inhibitor Xolair has been a mainstay of treatment for refractory chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU ... cases causes itching and swelling that can last for weeks at ...
Complementary therapies may also help, including colloidal oatmeal baths or mind-body practices like meditation that can reduce the stress that makes chronic hives worse. If your hives are caused by ...
Symptoms include discoloration (a change in skin tone), heat, swelling, pain, and itching. Skin inflammation has many potential ... Rarely, hives can last for weeks to months; this is known as chronic ...
In­cyte’s $750 mil­lion buy­out of Escient Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals is in a rough patch as a mid-stage chron­ic hives can­di­date was flagged with safe­ty … ...
Novartis’ immunoglobulin E inhibitor Xolair has been a mainstay of treatment for chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU ... severe cases causes itching and swelling that can last for weeks at ...