Kevin Atwater, portrayed by LaRoyce Hawkins on Chicago PD, has earned a beloved status among fans with his relentless dedication to justice and his complex family backstory. However, recent ...
Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins) is one of the steadiest officers in all of Chicago PD. He can always be relied on in a pinch, as evidenced by the fact that he took out the overarching villain of ...
It’s time for some more Atwater in Chicago PD. He gets to take the lead in Chicago PD Season 11, Episode 5. Now there is a small word of warning. This episode won’t air this week. The show is ...
The actor talks about Soffer's season 10 exit and previews Wednesday's Atwater-centric hour ... The creator of the 'Law & Order,' 'Chicago' and 'FBI' franchises opens up to ET about making ...
Chicago PD recently returned with its twelfth season. The recent episode proved to be an entertaining watch but the absence of Detective Kevin Atwater, played by LaRoyce Hawkins, has fans confused.
whom he formed a connection with during Chicago PD Season 12 Episode 5. Meanwhile, Atwater and Ruzek look particularly serious in many of the shots and seem very active throughout this installment.