Check out Singapore’s largest Hello Kitty collection, and get inked by world-famous tattooists ...
Everyone’s struggling as our couples switch out of their first trial marriages to test out married life with their original ...
A viral video has claimed that your favourite Pokemon can actually say a lot about your personality - and the descriptions ...
Devoted fans get tattoos depicting Scrim the runaway dog that has become an outlaw hero in New Orleans that symbolizes free ...
It’s no secret that Gen Zers have a penchant for spirituality; tarot cards and crystals are staples on the shelves of many ...
Remember when you were in grade school and the kids used to draw all over the desks? Well, Smino does, and he puts a talented ...
Cybersigilism (sahy-ber-sij-il-iz-uhm) tattoos are a relatively new trend that is becoming more popular, particularly among ...