Covering an area of 3.6 square kilometers, the ancient city of Kashi in Xinjiang is one of the largest existing earthen ...
The Ocean Park in Hangzhou must be one of the best that I have seen.
中国吉林省一栋斥资5,000万元人民币兴建的滑冰馆,11月18日发生屋顶垮塌事件,引发舆论关切,而在此前仅三天,云南一家刚开业的超市则是地板塌陷,导致顾客坠入下方的河道;分析人士认为,尽管个案情节存在差异,但类似这样的“豆腐渣工程”屡禁不止,凸显出中 ...
新一期的企业园区、探楼活动来啦!滨滨这次带大家探访的是天堂软件园Here comes our new episode of series of “Enterprise Discoveries” and our destination today is ...