Source The Jungle Book is a video game based on the 1967 Disney animated film The Jungle Book, primarily released in 1994. It was first released by Virgin Interactive in 1993 for the Sega Master ...
Thirty years after the discovery of the prehistoric remains of Pliosaurus, Bristol Museum & Art Gallery has published Is That Doris?, a children’s book that brings the fearsome Jurassic predator to ...
Martin Keown has released his first official autobiography, On The Edge, and you can meet our iconic defender and have a copy signed by the man himself following the Nottingham Forest match on ...
I love books about video games, especially the ones that look back at some of the iconic releases and classic consoles I grew up playing. Then there are those deep-dives into my favourite games of ...
Griffin Dunne's memoir The Friday Afternoon Club: A Family Memoir is shaped by his privileged upbringing in Los Angeles, as his family mingled with celebrities like Sean Connery and Natalie Wood.
AFL fans will be treated to more Thursday night games than ever before in 2025. Photo by Robert Cianflone/Getty Images "There has been a strong desire from fans and our broadcast partners for more ...