The thrilling story revolves around Kumar who gets involved with a gang after running away from home and slowly gains power ...
Scorsese's 'Goodfellas' is hands down the greatest gangster movie ever made. Featuring an amazing soundtrack and a great cast including Joe Pesci in his unforgettable, Oscar-winning role as Tommy ...
Director Suresh Krissna's iconic gangster drama Baashha, starring Rajinikanth, offers a timeless example of how to craft the ...
Use precise geolocation data and actively scan device characteristics for identification. This is done to store and access ...
The story of Henry Hill and his life in the mafia, covering his relationship with his wife Karen and his mob partners Jimmy Conway and Tommy DeVito. A former Prohibition-era Jewish gangster returns to ...
Anyone can put together an all-star cast and tie a successful director to the production, but a movie is only as good as its ...
Denzel Washington is one of the most prolific actors in Hollywood right now, and luckily several of his movies are currently ...
Owen Gleiberman and Peter Debruge list their top 10 films of 2024, with both Variety critics picking 'Inside Out 2' and 'The ...
What’s the best movie ... charming romantic time. —PV because he knows that all it takes is one right run through of the loop to save the world. It’s Tom Cruise’s movie-making philosophy ...
Johnny Depp and Tim Burton are self-described fans of Dan Curtis' original gothic, supernatural soap opera, Dark Shadows, ...
A decade ago, the internet crowned a new film with the coveted, unofficial title of “worst movie of all time ... Christmas movie and hope for the best. Even by Christmas movie standards ...