The show told the story of the Clampett family, led by patriarch Jed (Buddy Ebsen), a poor mountaineer who barely kept his family fed, as recounted in the theme song “The Ballad of Jed Clampett,” ...
Ballad Of Aslan G C F e ----3---- ----0---- ----1----| B ----0---- ----1---- ----1----| G ----0---- ----0---- ----2----| D ----0---- ----2---- ----3----| A ----2 ...
On Friday, 49ers G.M. John Lynch described talk of a potential trade that would send coach Kyle Shanahan to a team like the Bears “rather comical.” Frankly, it’s rather comical that anyone would think ...
To rename Tab groups, expand the tab group then select Tab group actions. In the text box, enter the new name for the group. Can I add Tab groups to Collections? Yes! Add Tabs to Collections by ...
To make Elly feel better, Jed reveals that he is faking an illness to please Granny. Elly May is preparing for her first day of the Willows, a finishing school Mrs. Drysdale recommended where she ...