Based on the animated television special "Rudolph ... Claus, Hermey the Elf, Bumble the Abominable Snow Monster, Clarice, Yukon Cornelius and, of course, Rudolph. It’s an adventure that teaches ...
It contains 150 warm white LED lights and 295 fireproof branch tips. Whether you place this pre-lit Bumble the Abominable Snow Monster indoors or on your lawn, it’s sure to light up any space ...
The event will have over 50 vendors selling artisanal goods as well as the opportunity to take a photo with Bumble the Yeti Snowman. A portion of sales from the Bazaar will benefit the Superior ...
Claus, Hermey the Elf, Bumble the Abominable Snow Monster ... Davis Cameron Lemley as Sam the Snowman; Danny Campos as Yukon Cornelius; Katelyn Loss as Clarice; David O’Neill and Jessica ...
Bumble the Abominable Snow Monster, Hermey the Elf, Blizz the Snowman, and a Toy Soldier, as well as screenings of classic holiday programs and specials. For kids young and old, there is an ...
Highlights include photo opportunities with Santa, a stunning menorah, meet-and-greets and photos with beloved holiday characters including Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Bumble the Abominable Snow ...