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A fear of clowns is known as coulrophobia, which unlike other phobias is completely justified, because clowns are evil. From Stephen King's It to the Joker to Robin Williams in Patch Adams ...
Ask, too, that they handle this in a way where you’re protected from retaliation by your boss. Read updates to this letter here and here. I have a coworker who is terrified of clowns. He is popular in ...
happy clowns are not what most of his customers want. What they seem to want is fear, loathing, painted faces, circus vibes and hints of paranormal activity. Basically, Mehar said recently ...
The clown craze may have people suffering from caulrophobia, the clinical name for a fear of clowns, but Leahy says often times it’s because people can’t see behind the makeup. “Clowns like ...
Right now, clowns are experiencing a cultural moment. You’ve seen the memes. First things first: clowns are a centuries old theatrical symbol of foolishness, naiveté, that can be used to ...
"I’m acutely aware that I could go any day now, but I don’t know why, it doesn’t concern me, I’m not afraid of it," Van Dyke said in the video. "I have that feeling, totally against ...
L.A.'s Christina Catherine Martinez is a bewitching hybrid of standup, clown and performance artist. Get to know Los Angeles native Christina Catherine Martinez, a fascinating hybrid standup who ...