June 10, 2024 — Scientists have grown 'mini-guts' in the lab to help understand Crohn's disease, showing that 'switches' that modify DNA in gut cells play an ... Major Cause of Inflammatory ...
Dec. 17, 2024 — Almost three quarters of adolescents in Australia experience clinically significant depression or anxiety symptoms, with most being chronic, according to a new study. And ...
Mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), is a disease that was first found in cattle. It's related to a disease in humans called variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). Both ...
Healthcare providers use many terms to describe the progress of a cancer or its response to treatment. Progressive disease describes cancer that is growing, progressing, or worsening. There are many ...
Heart disease isn't just one thing. It's a number of conditions that can affect how your heart works. Heart disease can also be called cardiovascular disease, though that term covers blood vessels ...
Growing pains may sound like an old wives’ tale. In the case of Sever’s (or Sever) disease, though, your child’s growth spurt can lead to serious pain. It’s not actually a disease but a ...
Researchers have made great strides to prevent deaths from fatal diseases, but the cures for some of them still elude us. Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens, including viruses ...
Disease prevention is a procedure through which individuals, particularly those with risk factors for a disease, are treated in order to prevent a disease from occurring. Treatment normally begins ...
There are many types of eye diseases, all of which can cause symptoms that affect vision. Healthcare providers can treat some types of common eye disorders and manage symptoms you can see better.
Inflammatory diseases include a vast array of disorders and conditions that are characterized by inflammation. Examples include allergy, asthma, autoimmune diseases, coeliac disease ...