An animated fantasy adventure film by Hayao Miyazaki follows orphans Sheeta and Pazu, pursued by government agents, the army, ...
After the record breaking success of Stree 2, there were reports that director Amar Kaushik is in talks to helm a big-ticket ...
The 2004 released story surrounds Frodo and Sam who reached Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring, following Gollum, unaware of ...
Having made their mark with previous successes, Pixar continues to explore bold and original storytelling with Hoopers.
Pa Ranjith's directorial, Thangalaan, starring Chiyaan Vikram has finally released on OTT after a 17-week wait.
This week’s retro trailer is for the 1985 sci-fi adventure film My Science Project . The story follows high school senior ...
Thangalaan, a Tamil action-adventure film directed by Pa. Ranjith, follows a fierce tribal leaders battle against British ...
Directed by Jon Turtletaub, the adventure film follows Ben Gates, a historian and treasure hunter searching for a secret American fortune that dates back to the Freemason treasure. With the help ...
With Miraculous - le film, Ladybug and Chat Noir take their animated adventures to the next level by adapting them to film.