Political and Economic Power of Absinthe Manufacturers and Tobacco Companies It was with the industrialization that the production of absinthe and tobacco led large masses to become dependent users.
Absinthe; history in a bottle', by Barnaby Conrad, and 'The book of absinthe; a cultural history' by Phil Baker, or to www.oxygenee.com for more elaborate descriptions of the history of absinthe ...
Mon Dieu! France needed another drink. Rescue came in the form of absinthe, an alleged cure-all developed in 18th-century Switzerland. Absinthe required a base of spirits, not wine. To that base ...
It’s true. Cincinnati had its devotees of “La Fee Verte,” the “Green Fairy” so beloved of habitués of the Parisian demi-monde. According to the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette [4 February 1894]: ...